Set Your Intention with 3 Mudras

Today find 7 minutes to listen to the Setting Your Intention recording which guides you through a seated mudra practice that will help you formulate an intention or resolve. You will use this intention every day as part of your 21-day self-care practice, and at any other time you feel that you need to be reminded of your goal. This intention is also part of the Yoga Nidra practice and is called a sankalpa.

Mudras are hand positions that work with the natural energy vortices located in the palms of the hands and fingers. When we place the fingers together to create certain shapes, we redirect this energy back into the body. Think of it as creating antennae with your hands. Mudras can bring focus and attention to certain areas of the body through breath awareness, they can also have an immediate effect on the emotions. Think of them as a remote control that maintains balance between the elements and directs prana through the nadis and chakras.

There are three mudras in this lesson that highlight the of considering the mains stressors of your life, contemplating your goals for this time, and how you might achieve those goals.

You Will Need:

  1. A chair or way to sit on the floor with ease.

Setting Your Intention

  1. Sit comfortably and listen to the recording.

2. Purna Hridaya Mudra (Seal of the Strong Heart) - Interlace fingers inside of palms, touch thumbs together and reach them towards chest so that a heart shape is formed with the hands. Use this gesture to connect with the emotions of the heart.

3. Padma Mudra (Seal of the Lotus) - Place hands together at the heart, keep thumbs and little fingers together, open other fingers and create cup shape between palms. Elevates heart energy, integrates body and mind, use to heal your emotional heart.

4. Vajrapradama Mudra (Seal of Unshakable Trust) - Clasp fingers and open palms toward heart; point thumbs upwards. Hold a few inches away from the chest. Builds confidence, security, opens the heart very gently.

Things to Ponder:

  • Without judgment, notice whether your intention was about banishing a negative aspect of yourself or attracting a positive aspect.
  • Is this sankalpa something that you think you will be able to achieve in the next week, month, or year?
  • What do you see as your main obstacles to achieving your intention?

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