Reclining Floor Flow

Today take 5-10 minutes to lie down (on the bed or on the floor) and repeat the following Reclining Floor Flow 3-5 times per side. The Reclining Floor Flow opens the major joints of the lower body and stretches the legs, hips, low back and shoulders. Try practicing this right after waking, right before bed or as a perfect pick me up any time of day that your body is feeling achy and sore.

Reclining Floor Flow

  1. Begin lying on the back with the legs straight and arms extended over the head.
  2. Repeat your Intention from Day 1 three times silently to center and remind yourself why you are committing yourself to this self-care journey.
  3. Inhale and raise your arms over your head. Do not forced them to go all the way to the ground.
  4. Exhale and draw the right knee into the chest, holding it with the right hand.
  5. Inhale draw the right knee out to the right side with the right hand, left hand in cactus on the floor.
  6. Exhale and cross the right knee over to the left side of the body with the left hand, right hand in cactus on the floor.
  7. Inhale back to the center and extend the right leg up toward the ceiling, holding behind thigh with the clasped hands.
  8. Exhale draw the right knee to the chest.
  9. Inhale extend the leg to the floor and the arms overhead.
  10. Exhale and repeat the entire sequence with left leg.

Things to Ponder:

  • Try not to rush your breath.
  • Notice how your lower back and hips feel before and after this flow
  • How does linking the movement with the breath feel, does it help you to feel more focused and less frazzled?
  • Remember to only move into a comfortable range of motion.

Things to Ponder:

  • Try not to rush your breath.
  • Notice how your lower back and hips feel before and after this flow
  • How does linking the movement with the breath feel, does it help you to feel more focused and less frazzled?
  • Remember to only move into a comfortable range of motion.

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