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21 Days of Spring Self-Care
Day 1: New Moon Yoga Nidra
New Moon Yoga Nidra (2:16)
Day 2: How to Use a Neti Pot
How to Use a Neti Pot (4:51)
Day 3: Chair Sun Salutation
Chair Sun Salutation (5:05)
Day 4: Seated Lord of the Fish's Twist
Seated Ardha Matsyendrasana (2:11)
Day 5: Skull Shining Breath
Kaphalabhati Pranayama (3:43)
Day 6: Mudra for Sinus Congestion
Mahasirs Mudra for Sinus Congestion (3:30)
Day 7: Waxing Moon Yoga Nidra
Waxing Moon Yoga Nidra
Day 8: Meditating with a Mala
How to Meditate with a Mala (8:24)
Day 9: Bellows Breath
Bastrika Pranayama (2:51)
Day 10: Chair Hip Openers
Chair Hip Opening Series (3:58)
Day 11: Standing Twist
Standing Ardha Matsyendrasana (3:59)
Day 12: Mudra for Immunity
Prithvi Mudra (2:53)
Day 13: Bee Humming Breath
Bramhari Pranayama (2:26)
Day 14: Full Moon Yoga Nidra
Full Moon Yoga Nidra
Day 15: Standing Airplane
Airplane Pose (3:35)
Day 16: Supported Lateral Bend
Salamba Chakrasana (4:50)
Day 17: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (4:37)
Day 18: Bronchial Mudra
Seal of the Lungs (2:25)
Day 19: Active Bridge Pose Series
Setu Bandha (6:51)
Day 20: Legs up the Wall Pose
Viparita Karani (3:16)
Day 21: Waning Moon Yoga Nidra
Waning Moon Yoga Nidra
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Bramhari Pranayama
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